Sunday, May 19, 2013

Proof of God's Existence

Before one can go into the existence of God, it is important to note that it is impossible to come to know God with human reason alone since God is an infinite being. This is where the grace of faith comes in; with faith, we strengthen our belief and knowledge of God without having seen God Himself. Faith is a key part in understanding the Sacred Scripture and Tradition, and is the starting point of knowing God. But for the skeptics, the proof that God exists can be seen through St. Thomas Aquinas' Five Proofs.

The first two proofs explain that there has to be a first cause. Nothing in this world could have created itself and there must be a starting point for everything. In other words, something or someone must have put these things into existence. The second proof shows that this first cause must be an infinite being and because this goes back to the first two proofs; if this first cause, God, has a starting point, then it must have been created by something else. Therefore this being must be infinite throughout time. The next point is that this being must have qualities to it such as being hot, cold, good or bad since we can attach physical or artificial qualities to anything. Finally, Thomas Aquinas says that the order of nature presupposes a higher plan in creation. The laws governing the universe presuppose a universal legislature who authored the order of the universe. We cannot say that chance creates order in the universe. If you drop a cup on the floor it shatters into bits and has become disordered. But if you were to drop bits of the cup, they would not assemble together into a cup. This is an example of the inherent disorder prevalent in the universe when things are left to chance. The existence of order and natural laws presupposes a divine intelligence who authored the universe into being.

As for the religious beliefs such as God's plan for each and every individual, or all loving attribute, this must be accepted by one who has acquired the grace of faith.

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