Sunday, May 19, 2013

Confession to a Priest

     Why do we need to confess to a Priest? Many people would say that we don't, but Catholic theology gives us an argument for why we must. The logic comes primarily from the ability of the bishops and priests of the Church to dispense graces to the human component of the Mystical Body. Christ gave the ability to forgive sins to his apostles and they passed down that leadership through the bishops and priests. It was for this reason that Reconciliation became a sacrament.
     However, previously one did not only confess to a priest. A person who committed a mortal sin confessed in front of the entire Church, and then spent 2-3 years in public penance. However, priests in Ireland made Confession and Penance a more personal and specified act; this was done in order to help the recently converted Irish.
     Another thing to consider when talking about the logic behind confession is that during confession, the priests acts a Christ. Much like when we partake of the Eucharistic Bread and Wine, the Priest is filled with Christ. It is because of this that we can confess our sins to him; we are confessing them to Christ through a mediator. Because the priests and bishops act as mediators for us, they are the only way we can truly confess to God/Christ. That is why we must go see a priest or bishop for confession.

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