Sunday, May 19, 2013

Catholic View on Divorce

It is only St Paul in his discussion on single life in 1 Corinthians 7 that he says, “To the unmarried I say that it is well for them to remain single as I do.” (v. 8) “Let her remain single or else be reconciled to her husband --and that the husband should not divorce his wife.” (v. 11). The sacramental nature of marriage makes it more than a physical bond, more than an emotional bond. It is, in its deepest meaning, a spiritual bond, built out of the depth of love between two souls. To consecrate a marriage is to bring it into concordance not with two wills but with three - that of the two souls involved and that of God. A sacred marriage is a covenant between two who love each other in God and with God, whose joining becomes an expression of the desire of each to love and serve God together. One might then ask, if marriage is supposed to be a man and woman loving one another, why can’t someone divorce their spouse if they don’t love them anymore? The answer to this is that when they were in love, their souls came together and they are a part of one another through their vows, therefore, if they divorce their human bodies will be separated but not their souls. because their souls are united for life on earth. it is inseparable during our life on earth.

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