Sunday, April 28, 2013

The World's Response to Christ

      I was reading the supplementary reading, the second one to be exact, and I noticed the how Pope Benedict commented on how people reacted to Christ's talking about the Eucharist. They had begun to argue over the how a man could give his flesh to them to eat. They did not understand the divine significance of this statement. The former Pope also notes that this reaction stems from the stain of Original Sin; we do not desire consciously the communion with God which will satisfy our souls.
     I thought about the paradox which this presents to us. How can we come to Christ if we do not actively seek him. The world we live in seems to dislike the Church. There is general disdain for it, even sometimes those who are in it. Some would call those in the Church blind or ignorant. How can a world full of people so dedicated to resisting God's will have come to the Church?
     The obvious answer to this question is simply this: We have come to the Church because God has brought us to the Church through Christ. The existence and prominence of the Church is nothing short of divine interaction. Some who resist God would say that the Church was simply created by men who desired to scam the entire world into giving them money. Beyond the smack of conspiracy theorizing that is held in that statement, they cannot answer the question as to how so many people were "tricked" into something so obvious to us. It's not as if the population of the world suddenly became more knowledgeable. God's work in the world provides a more believable answer in my opinion.
     In essence, what I am saying is simply this. God brought the Church to himself, without out this happening there would be no Church. His involvement sustains the Church then, and continues to do so today.

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